Your small Acts
Your Small Acts can build you
“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” — Napoleon Hill
I was just 32 yrs old when I got separated from my husband. For more than two months I was in depression, due to which I suffered from anxiety. I was living with my parents at that time and was worried about how to start my life again. My parents wanted me to apply for a government job or to continue with them running a garment shop. My hometown Sikkim is a very less populated state and the people there are very humble and peaceful. Most of the people there have a tendency to pursue government jobs or to run their own businesses. But I had decided to lead my life in a different way. It was really hard for me to convince my family to allow me to lead myself to grow in the corporate sector. This was one of the important decisions I took in my life and headed towards Delhi NCR in search of my dream with the beloved blessings of my parents.
This Story is about me Tashi! An auspicious good luck charm from a small town Gangtok, Sikkim. It was in Dec 2019 on the eve of Christmas when I landed from the region of Himalayas to our beloved capital city of India, New Delhi. I traveled with my six-year-old daughter and with my Sr secondary certification. That’s all I had at that time. I was well received at New Delhi Railway Station by one of my social network friend, Sanjay, whom I met for the first time.
We headed towards my PG which I had already booked before arriving in Delhi. It was a good colony with beautiful houses and gardens. Those wide roads were never been seen by me in my hometown. This was altogether a pleasant experience. Meanwhile, my younger daughter got admission to the same TCV School located at Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh where my elder daughter was already studying in 4th standard. It was a very adventurous but tough situation at the same time for all three of us. My younger daughter starting hostel life at such small age and I looking for a job in Delhi. These were the tough times but we all were prepared for this journey and not to be afraid of taking decisions and learning from failures.
During my initial struggling days, I gave four Interviews with calm nature and a confident attitude. By god’s grace, I cleared all of them. Since I was a newcomer in the corporate world so I chose the Recruitment firm as I wanted to know the positions in the cooperating firms and where I can exile myself. On the very first day, I got the company laptop which I didn’t know how to operate as I had never used it earlier. I am very thankful to my colleagues who had always helped me in my learning times in the organization. Initially, I worked on Saturdays and Sundays in order to get myself in order with the team. A few months later I then decided to learn something new and took admission to Lakme academy on weekends. I did my diploma in bridal makeup and participated in the Agra fashion show from Lakme Academy as a makeup artist.
In April 2020, I received a call from one of the growing startup companies for the post of HR manager. I have presently been working with this company for past one year, apart from that I am also working as a freelancer in recruitment too.
This was my struggle so far, on the other hand, was my younger daughter, who, when joined the school didn’t know how to write Tibetan. Moreover, all the subjects were written in Tibetan language except for English. She is in 3rd standard and the elder one is in 7th standard at present. They both have started learning folk dance and musical instruments. My elder daughter wants to be a fashion designer while the younger one wants to become a singer. I have always taught them to become a good human being first and always give your best efforts without worrying about the results and don’t run away from a difficult situation.
I am very thankful to my first company for giving me the opportunity to work in their firm and to all my sweet colleagues for helping out in my training and making me capable enough to get another opportunity and a better position.
I thank my friend Sanjay for taking a leave from the office just to receive me and also I am using the same metro card you gave me during my arrival to Delhi NCR. Your treat from my side is still pending which I will definitely fulfill once this pandemic gets over. Till then stay safe.
I also thank my daughters for staying healthy, studying hard without any complaints, and taking care of each other. I can only imagine how much difficulty my younger daughter faces in getting up early in the morning, getting ready for school, studying, and making new friends each day. God bless you both always.
I would like to thank my current company for having faith in me and I would also like to thank god for giving me birth in such a supportive family. I am lucky to have my family who is always supportive and stood beside me in every difficulty.
Well readers I have learned till now from my journey to never stop, take small steps, small actions and flow calm and composed like water. Motivate yourself and always keep a never-giving-up attitude. So it all depends on you how you carry your journey.
This has been my journey, would be happy to know your journey and achievements. Please share yours too if you like to.
- 24 Aug, 2021
Hi so sorry to hear about your past I sent you message in inbox please reply me and drop me your contact details let's chat to know about each other I'm also looking for same things as you are looking for ?