stop and smile the roses

life has been a journey, a novel...a never ending story. But the one thing that's missing has always been the one to be part of my story, to make since of all that we have lived for. The one that feel you and understands you and makes her journey a part of yours. We start as pure as fallen snow that falls to the ground, it begins its journey as it melts, turns into a stream carving out rivers and cayons... So are we the observers or partakers of its life. I remember my grandfather said we can sit and watch life as it gos by or we can be a part of its Beauty.

💖Russia Dating 💚Germany Dating 💛France Dating 🖤Italy Dating 💞Spain Dating 💜Ukraine Dating 💜Poland Dating 💖Romania Dating 💚Netherlands Dating 💚Greece Dating 💚Belgium Dating 💚Portugal Dating 💚Czech Republic Dating 💚Hungary Dating 💖Sweden Dating 💖Denmark Dating 💖Norway Dating 💖Australia Dating 💙Canada Dating 💕UK Dating 💙American Dating